Princess of Power

Where I talk about my home, my family and of course, my knitting.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

So on account of the cooler weather and a sale at Michaels on Patons classic wool, I started a new project. I am attempting the Starsky sweater form Knitty. In all the stores and fashion mags this season everyone is wearing these longish sweaters with skinny pants. I couldn’t afford any of the sweaters that I liked, so I decided to make one. I love the starsky sweater, but I am concerned because this is the biggest thing I have attempted (save the vast never-ending Tony sweater). Unlike the Tony sweater, however, it is not a boring knit. So hopefully I will not get bored before it’s done. So far the back and the left front are done.

Here is the progress:

The yarn is Patons Classic Wool, colour, burgundy. Although the yarn is finer than the yarn called for in the pattern, I was getting the right gauge with the 6mm needles so I went ahead with it. I know it looks really narrow in the picture, I think it will stretch quite a bit with blocking. The stockinette pieces are curling under too, which makes it look so narrow. I hope this does not turn into my first gauge accident. I am making the medium (I usually wear a small) so maybe it will be okay. This is a fun knit though.

An addition to the starskey cardigan, also working on the never-ending Tony sweater, and a stole for my mom. Here are some progress pics of those...

For the Tony sweater, the yarn is Bernat denim style. This piece is the back. I put the cat on it for scale. She is a small cat, but really, this thing is huge. I mean I know Tony is a big guy, but not that big. This sweater is designed with lots of ease. It will be comfortable, but it’s such a boring knit. All that vast stokinette. I promised him I would have it done by Christmas, and all that’s left is half a sleeve and the kangaroo pocket, but I'm still not sure if I will make it. Knitting this sweater makes me sneeze. The cotton/acrylic fibers like to go airborne...

The stole is with knit picks shadow, colour jewels. One this I like about this pattern is that there are only 4 rows to remember and two of them are purls. So I only had to memorize 2 rows, and I don’t have to follow a chart or a pattern. This makes a lace project that is easily transportable. What I don’t like is that it’s my first time using real lace-weight yarn and the stuff really is finicky...takes some getting used to.

Anyway, we are all excited here because of two new developments in the household. They are:

1 - tomorrow we are expecting a new addition to the family. Our brand new, much anticipated lazy boy recliner will be delivered then and then will begin the fights about who gets to sit on it.

2 - We are going on vacation in October! Hurray! 1 week in Vancouver with 2 of the days spent in Whistler for a large family gathering. We are soooo excited....


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