Princess of Power

Where I talk about my home, my family and of course, my knitting.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Teapot Sweater Pattern

Here is the pattern for the teapot sweater It's my first time writing down a pattern so please excuse any errors. Let me know if there are any problems with the pattern so I can fix them. Also let me know if you try this pattern - I would love to know how it turned out.

Teapot Sweater

Yarn: Galway Irish worsted knitting wool, 100 wool, 100g 200m - 1 ball (used just over half the ball)

Supplies: 4.5mm (US7), Cable needle, Pins, contrasting ribbon.

Gauge about 6.25 stitches per inch wide in cable pattern and 5.5 stitches per inch tall. Gauge is not that important as it will stretch.

Dimensions – My teapot is about 20 inches in diameter at its widest and 8 inches high. Measure your teapot and add a few rows or omit some as needed. Play around with the increases and decreases, just remember to twist the cable every 6 rows.

Front and back (make 2 identical pieces)

CO 38 stitches

Row 1 (WS) – *K2, P4, rep from *, K2

Row 2 (RS) - *P2, K4, rep from *, P2

Row 3 (WS) – Rep row 1

Row 4 – Rep Row 2

Row 5 (WS) – K2, *P4, K1, M1, K1, rep from *, K2

Row 6 – P2, *C4F, P3, rep from * ending with P2

Row 7(WS) - K2, *P4, K3, rep from * ending with K2

Row 8 – P2, *K4, P3, rep from * ending with P2

Row 9 – K1, M1, K1, *P4, K1, M1, K2, Rep from * ending with K1, M1, K1

Row 10 – P3, *K4, P4, Rep from * ending with P3

Row 11 – K3, *P4, K4, rep from * ending with K3

Row 12 – P3, *C4F, P4, rep from * ending with P3

Row 13 – rep row 11

Row 14 – P3, *K1, M1, K3, P4, rep from * ending with P3

Row 15 – K3, *P5, K4, rep from * ending with K3

Row 16 – P3, *K4, M1, K1, P4 rep from * ending with P3

Row 17 – K3, *P6, K4, rep from * ending with K3

Row 18 – P3, *C6F, P4, rep from * ending with P3

Row 19 – Rep row 17

Row 20 – P3, *K6, P4, rep from * ending with P3

Row 21 – Rep row 17

Row 22 – Rep row 20

Row 23 – Rep row 17

Row 24 – Rep row 18 (cable twist)

Row 25 – Rep row 17

Row 26 – Rep row 20

Row 27 – Rep row 17

Row 28 – Rep row 20

Row 29 – Rep row 17

Row 30 – Rep row 18 (cable twist)

Row 31 – K3, *P1, P2tog, P3, K4 rep from * ending with K3

Row 32 – P3, *K5, P4, rep from * ending with P3

Row 33 – K3, *P2, P2tog, P1, K4, rep from * ending with K3

Row 34 – P3, *K4, P4, rep from * ending with P3

Row 35 – K3, *P4, K1, K2tog tbl, K1, rep from * ending with K3

Row 36 – P3, *C4F, P3, rep from *

Row 37 – K3, *P4, K3 rep from *

Row 38 – P3, *k4, P3 rep from *

Row 39 – Rep row 37

Row 40 – P3, *K4, P1, YO, P2tog, rep from * ending with P3 (eyelet round)

Row 41 – Rep 37

Row 42 – Rep row 36 (cable twist)

Row 43 – Rep row 37

Row 44 – Rep row 38

Row 45 – Rep row 37

Row 46 – Rep row 38

Row 47 – Rep row 37

Row 48 – Rep row 36 (cable twist)

Row 49 – Rep row 37

Row 50 – Rep row 38

Bind off all stitches in batten.

Finishing – Pin the two pieces together on one side only at the top (cast on edge) and bottom (bound off edge) only. Try the sweater on the teapot by slipping the spout between the pins. Mark on the other side where the handle fits and sew up the side leaving a gap large enough for the handle. Make the spout side the same way and sew up the edge leaving a gap large enough for the spout. Weave in ends. Cut a length of ribbon and thread through the eyelets and tie into a pretty bow.

Monday, January 29, 2007

I really can’t get the hang of this blogging thing - while in theory I like the idea of an online journal, I can’t seem to keep up with it. So here we are 2 months since my last post, and I finally get around to posting again.

And as usual, the only things I post about are FO's......

Here are my newest finished objects, three items I am very, very proud of.

First, a baby sweater for my brand spanking newborn cousin in Virginia

Yarn used is Bernat Handicrafter. This is so cute it painful. I wish I could see it on the baby, but alas, I will be mailing it instead of delivering in person.

Next is The Marseilles Pullover form IK Summer "06. I don't understand why this sweater was in a summer issue. Especially since the pattern calls for Alpaca. Can you imagine wearing Alpaca in the summer? Maybe in other climates, but not appropriate for Toronto. This was easily the most complicated cable pattern I have ever attempted, and took me a while because it’s cabled on the back to, but I had a lot of fun making it. I ran out of yarn and since I purchased this yarn In Victoria BC I didn't have high hopes of getting the dye lot again. I made the sleeves shorter instead, and I really like the way it turned out. The fit is amazing, the yarn is so gorgeous....the colour, the feel. I am in love with this sweater.

Yarn used is Cascade 220 the Heathers, Colour plum heather. Used 4 Skeins.

My last one is a solution to a problem. I have been drinking a lot of tea of late while suffering from the dreaded winter. The result of the cold weather was that the tea in my teapot was always cold before I could even get my second cup poured. I decided it was time for a tea cozy. After looking at lots of patterns I could not find one I liked, so I designed one. My very accommodating teapot allowed me to take lots of measurements and try it on her often (teapots are much more accommodating than husbands or sons) and it in end we have the cutest tea cozy I have ever seen. My son calls it the teapot sweater, and it is just darling. And...It works. I no longer have cold tea at the bottom of the pot. I am happy, my teapot is happy, A happy solution to an everyday problem.

Behold the Teapot sweater. I am thinking about posting the pattern is anyone is interested.

Current projects in the works are Simple Knitted Bodice in Simply Soft, and my third branching out (I love that pattern) in Bernat cool crochet (interesting yarn by the way, makes a nice draped shiny branching out, and costs about $2.50).

That’s all for now.